Saturday, December 16, 2006

Stand for something

Don't lie to the consumer, they aren't dumb and they have enough resources to see through bullshit. Don't just tell stories about what and how: do something.

Walmart, getting bashed for having poor policy? Do something about it, change and your communications change too. Instead of looking for smooth, easy target advertising (no pun intended), go for the guts. Change, because advertising and communications as a whole should be a direct reflection of the people they intended to reach and the only thing constant is change.

Don't be pretentious about it. just do the job. don't think, oh, this or oh that, just go out and help people get their message across. Tell stories that make people think.

Everybody has a story to tell and every body wants to be somebody.

Perform a service and treat your job like a trade. Treat your job like your building a house, don't exclude, include. Show people the real power of the human.

As i'm writing this, on the news is a story about how different companies are opening up there advertising to the consumers. Some companies are opening up and letting the consumers actually bring their ideas to the table the public will get to see an unfiltered approach to advertising and communications. I mean, focus groups and ethnographies are supposed to buy nuggets of knowledge and insight from consumers, right? So the consumers are basically coming up with the ideas for the commercials anyways.

good ideas+good executions= good message.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Poor George Bush?

Damn, I'm watching the replay of the president's speech/press conference today and it dawned on me. This guy is too stupid to have masterminded the Iraq mess. His advisers must have roped his dumb ass into going into Iraq. Obviously, he's responsible for the direction he's taken this country and nobody but him is responsible for going into Iraq, but damn, I bet he would sing like a bird if a great communicator really got to pick his brain. Guaranteed.

I would love to interview George Bush as a person, not just the president.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Playstation III commercials

"The launch of the PS3 will be one of the most closely watched new-product rollouts of all time."
-Devin Leonard, Fortune magazine:

I have been wanting to write about the new Playstation III commercials since I first saw the baby commercial a few weeks ago. The agency that produced the spots is TBWA/Chiat/Day and they have a really hit the nail on the head. Let the awards flow.
I tried to find a full screen version, but it proved hard, so I settled for a Youtube.

Definitely the most refreshing commercial i've seen all year. Can't hold a candle to it. The other executions were pretty good, but the baby doll is bonkers.

Advice to ad agencies/clients: PUT YOUR ADS ON YOUR WEBSITES (make them easy to find, high quality-Apple quicktime). Give the consumer the ability/option to see the work from the source, instead of relying on third party messangers; i.e. blogs, forums and Youtube to communiate your message for you. Mo better impressions

Since i'm on the subject of TBWA, I want to mention that they also produced the new Nissan Sentra spots- consisting of a real guy (Marc Horowitz) living in his new Sentra for a week. What a flop. Reality TV can be cool, but the producers need to draw a line in the sand; between production and reality. Two words: Played out.