Playstation III commercials

"The launch of the PS3 will be one of the most closely watched new-product rollouts of all time."
-Devin Leonard, Fortune magazine:
I have been wanting to write about the new Playstation III commercials since I first saw the baby commercial a few weeks ago. The agency that produced the spots is TBWA/Chiat/Day and they have a really hit the nail on the head. Let the awards flow.
I tried to find a full screen version, but it proved hard, so I settled for a Youtube.
Definitely the most refreshing commercial i've seen all year. Can't hold a candle to it. The other executions were pretty good, but the baby doll is bonkers.
Advice to ad agencies/clients: PUT YOUR ADS ON YOUR WEBSITES (make them easy to find, high quality-Apple quicktime). Give the consumer the ability/option to see the work from the source, instead of relying on third party messangers; i.e. blogs, forums and Youtube to communiate your message for you. Mo better impressions
Since i'm on the subject of TBWA, I want to mention that they also produced the new Nissan Sentra spots- consisting of a real guy (Marc Horowitz) living in his new Sentra for a week. What a flop. Reality TV can be cool, but the producers need to draw a line in the sand; between production and reality. Two words: Played out.
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