Shark soup

I was just reading through the website and noticed an article titled, "Nauset sharks bite". I'm like, what?!! So I go to the link, only to find out the article had been removed and the link was blank. So then, I went to the good old cape cod times online site and wallah:
I was surfing just up the coast at Nauset Light beach on Saturday and I think back now and I don't remember seeing any seals, which is strange. Most people think that seals are just an occasional sighting on the National Seashore, but they are always out there.
One funny, eerie story I remember was a few years ago, the fog rolled in over the water and the visibility was down to like 20 feet, max. It was nuts, if you didn't know the waves were coming from open ocean, you would have no idea which way the beach was. It's like you're sitting in your own little fog chamber.
The water is like glass. No surface ripples, just the waves rolling in.

I was surfing with a few other guys and we were talking about how weird it was that the fog rolled in so quick and just bullshitting through the fog. Next thing I know, I'm looking for waves coming in and BLAM, 20-30 seals all pop their heads (in sync) out of the water like 10 feet away from me. Can you say bug out?
It's creepy enough not being able to see the person you're talking to, whose only 20 feet away from you. It reminded me of that arcade game where all the heads pop up and you have to smash them down with a hammer.
Seals are cool. They are funny, curious, inquisitive creatures and I enjoy seeing them out there but that was too much. I went in after that.

I was surfing with a few other guys and we were talking about how weird it was that the fog rolled in so quick and just bullshitting through the fog. Next thing I know, I'm looking for waves coming in and BLAM, 20-30 seals all pop their heads (in sync) out of the water like 10 feet away from me. Can you say bug out?
It's creepy enough not being able to see the person you're talking to, whose only 20 feet away from you. It reminded me of that arcade game where all the heads pop up and you have to smash them down with a hammer.
Seals are cool. They are funny, curious, inquisitive creatures and I enjoy seeing them out there but that was too much. I went in after that.
P.S. The pic of the chick surfing is one of my favorite pics ever. Thanks Jon Conant!!!
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