Desert storm: Part 2

It was a beautiful day, sunny, mid 70's, and dry. We get off the plane in Long Beach and our ambassador was there to meet us with open arms and an empty Volvo station wagon.
The entrance:
We're waiting there at the loading area and we see him round the turn. We go to the outer median to intercept him and I'm trying to motion him into a space so we can load up. He sees me and instead of turning in, decides he will just park the car in the middle of the three lane passenger pick up. There weren't even any cars blocking him. At the time, I'm like "what the F is he doing, parking in the middle of the road!!?", then I remembered who was behind the wheel. I thought he might have panicked and just parked the car, but then that was too simple, he saw me, it was a statement. Just the fact that I was standing there motioning him into the spot was reason for him to park in the middle of the road. Hilarious.
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