I have bought the domain name
www.wastedog.org. My motive for the website is to help reduce waste. I am eccentric about waste and I am obsessed about efficiency and I am always ranting and raving about conservation and recycling, so here is my new outlet, instead of just talking about it, I'll publish my findings. I'm talking about all sorts of waste; from the four police officers I saw today, doing a traffic detail on a closed road, to the the fact that America uses 22 million barrels (roughly 900 million gallons) of oil every day.
Two proverbs sum up the ethos of the website and the organization:
-Waste not, want not.
-One man's trash is another man's treasure
The picture is an advertisement I saw in Montreal last year.
Sloche is a brand of frozen drinks that are available at convenience stores. Although the poster is in French, you don't need to
parlee to get the gist.
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